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: Opinion: Making the farm vision work #IndiaNEWS #News By Seela Subba Rao India’s achievement in the agriculture sector, though impressive in some areas and States, has remained below potential.


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Opinion: Making the farm vision work #IndiaNEWS #News
By Seela Subba Rao
India’s achievement in the agriculture sector, though impressive in some areas and States, has remained below potential. There is a large gap between the income of agriculture and non-agriculture workers. Even after over seven decades of planning, most farmers still face the problem of poor production and inadequate return for their produce.
Major Constraints
According to Agriculture Census 2010-11, the number of operational land holdings stood at 138. 35 million with an average size of 1. 15 hectares. Of the total holdings, 85% are in the marginal and small farmerp&H]YܚYو[ XˈYYHܚ]X[[X[]܈]Z[[YZY[[Z[Yܛ[X[ۋX][ۈوݙY]X[]HYYܚ]X[HX][ۈوYYˈ[ܝ[][K]X[]HYYH][HXXو[YXX[HX[[X[[ X]Hو^ܘ][Xˈ[]HوK[HYX[][ۈ[YHوH[KHHوXH[[[܈X]]K[YH[[[ۈ[ܛX[Y[Y܈ZܙY]YY]HHXYH[ܙXH[Hو[ܙY]HܛX[[]][ۜˈ[HYܚX[8&][Y[[[H؛YYܜ[ۙ^H܈[][][H[وX[ۋ[ٛܛZ[ܝXX[[ٛܛX][ۈوHX܈ܝXX[
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